Friday, September 18, 2015

Submissive on Display by Tara Quan

It’s been an age since I’ve had a new release. Like my heroine Naomi Price, I’d allowed life to get in the way of what I love, resulting in a significant production gap since Fireworks at Midnight came out last year. Perhaps for that reason, I’ve allowed my naughty side to run amuck in Submissive On Display.

Part of Decadent Publishing’s 1Night Stand Series, my interracial BDSM romance is set in Las Vegas at the renowned Carnivore Club, a multi-author world first penned by Kate Richards. Despite my best efforts to be dark and kinky, I only succeeded at the latter. A light-hearted play on the reluctant lovers trope, my novella is a romantic comedy, replete with a Dom in distress, a reluctant submissive on a white horse, and an adorable German shepherd determined to unite the two.

To celebrate my return to BDSM romance, I’m giving away a $15 gift card. To enter, leave a comment here and drop your details in the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post. [or at my website: ]

After a disastrous engagement and ensuing public breakup knocks him off this year’s list of Boston’s most eligible bachelors, Luka Petrovich’s confidence in women is at an all-time low. With a psycho ex-fiancé stalking him at every BDSM club, he embraces a prolonged hiatus from his social life. The last thing he expects is to fall into bed with his dog’s sexy sitter. Craving more after the first taste, he can’t wait to handcuff her to his bed. There’s one problem—she’s not a submissive.
Veterinary student Naomi Price is too busy juggling part-time jobs and a full course- load to have a relationship. Though she’s crushed on her client’s gorgeous owner for close to a year, their accidental night together couldn’t have come at a worse moment. With his sexual preferences fodder for countless tabloid blogs, she knows exactly how to keep this Dominant at an arm’s length. So she tells the biggest lie of her life, turns in her notice, and escapes on a vacation to Las Vegas.
At the Carnivore Club, two exhibitionists meet for a one-night stand, unaware their compatibility stretches far beyond a simple limit list. When their identities are revealed, a reluctant sub must face public spanking for her deceit, and accept several delectable wrinkles in her best-laid plans.

Genre: BDSM Romance, Romantic Comedy, Interracial/Multicultural

Buy Links: Amazon | ARe | Decadent | iTunes | Kobo | GoodReads

About the Author
Globetrotter, lover of languages, and romance author, Tara Quan has an addiction for crafting tales with a pinch of spice and a smidgen of kink. Inspired by her travels, Tara enjoys tossing her kick-ass heroines and alpha males into exotic contemporary locales, paranormal worlds, and post-apocalyptic futures. Her characters, armed with magical powers or conventional weapons, are guaranteed a suspenseful and sensual ride, as well as their own happily ever after. Learn more at

Her reflection stared at her, as out of place against the posh background as a mutt at a kennel club. “Why even bother? You don’t belong here.”
She’d toyed with the idea of buying new clothes, but logic and frugality had triumphed over vanity. Instead, she’d spent twenty bucks on a sewing kit, double-sided tape, and craft materials. The sleeveless, square-necked, black dress she always packed for emergency parties laced in the front. It took minimal effort to replace the original ribbon with crimson satin, which lent a punch of sexiness to the otherwise nondescript gown. She’d used the same fabric to add a border along the neckline, and temporarily shortened the hem so it cut off an inch under her butt cheeks.
With a crocheted red belt around her waist, the outfit approximated a corset and miniskirt. Worn with knee-high, leather boots, some might label her DIY fetish wear creative or flattering. But expensive couture, it was not. Even compared to the uniformed hotel staff, she appeared drab. She didn’t want to know what the other female patrons donned inside the club.
Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed her arm and caught the fruity scent of body wash and lotion. No perfume had won over crappy perfume. Wringing her hands, she leaned forward to study her face. The lighting added a coral tinge to her dark skin and gave her tight French braid a nice shine. But she didn’t own any pricey jewelry, and her makeup kit had contained the bare minimum. Drugstore mascara and liner accentuated her eyes, though she could already detect a few smudges. She’d bought her foundation and powder in the summer. While they’d smoothed out her skin tone, the color didn’t quite match her current pallor.
The door opened, the reflected flash of red prompting her to spin around. A short Asian woman who appeared about eighteen strolled in. Like the receptionist, she wore a vest over her white dress shirt, which she’d paired with ankle-length black trousers. Sleek ebony hair formed a bun at her nape. A glittering red band covered her skinny upper arm, displaying the acronym DM.
You’re the dungeon monitor?” Cute as a button, the petite teenager look-alike stood as good a chance corralling a misbehaving Dom as a Pomeranian puppy did a full-grown Rottweiler.
Flashing two rows of even white teeth, the monitor winked. “I’m tougher than I look. I also carry a Taser. By the way, I’m Kim. You must be Naomi.”
Their reflections aligned as she approached. Next to the newcomer’s elfin silhouette, Naomi appeared as a towering mastiff. Her shaky confidence plummeted. Throwing up her hands, she slumped on a nearby leather bench. “Okay. This seals the deal. I’m done with the place.”
Kim’s eyes widened before she lowered onto the opposite seat, her skinny ass occupying next to no space. “Umm…. What did I miss?”
“Nothing. I’m sorry. I should have figured this out from the website or the lobby or, hell, even the damn transparent elevators. This place isn’t my speed. Not by a long shot.”
“But you haven’t entered the club. All you’ve seen is the reception area and hallway.”

Naomi pointed at an elaborate floral arrangement in the center of the room. The explosion of tropical flowers included fresh orchids and lilies. “That cost more than my weekly paycheck. It’s being used to decorate a bathroom.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Claimed by the Bad Boy

Claimed by the Bad Boy
Series: Bad Boy Fever (Book 2)
Author: London Saint James

Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Release Date: August 11, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance, BDSM, Multiple Partners, Suspense
Heat level: 5
Word count – 53k
Cover art by Mina Carter

Something always brings him back to her....
Ryker Cage is a rough guy, with very particular tastes when it comes to sex. Rough, hard, and dirty is the extent of his repertoire. Never soft. He doesn’t have a clue about connecting with his sensitive side in the bedroom, or that find-your-inner-femininity bullshit. He fears nothing, except—his feelings for the sweet and innocent Molly Monroe.
The bad boy who lived next door claimed Molly’s heart long ago. Crazy, or not, she loves him. Always has. No matter what he does to push her away, nor how far he runs, Ryker is the one man she’ll never stop loving.
When Ryker finally finds his way back home, will he find the courage to claim what's always been his? Or, will he be destined for heartache when someone threatens to take everything away?

Ryker had lost his ever-loving mind. Why couldn’t he let Molly Monroe go? Why the hell did she have to be the one woman who made him consider wanting something he couldn’t ever give her?
Ticked, he drove around Denver for hours. Aimless. Stopped to get gas and a coffee, trying to talk himself out of going back by her place, but caved, and drove by Molly’s hoping to see when she came home. He was insane. No doubt.
“Shit,” he grumbled.
The girl she had been and the woman she’d become always unraveled him and tested his control. Molly was his kryptonite, turning him into one huge, heaping pile of crazed mess. A tsunami of possessiveness had pulled him under when he saw that douche-nozzle who dared touch her, help her into his car and pull away earlier. Now, here he was, doing another drive-by at three thirty-eight in the morning, instead of being sane and home tucked away in his bed, sleeping soundly and dreaming of…well, anything but her.
When the headlights coming up behind him shifted into Molly’s drive, he went around the block. By the time he came around again and parked his Viper across the street, the BMW was leaving. And there she was, waving at the black-as-night car, while standing in her open door, backlit from the light in her foyer, looking sweet and angelic.
His driver’s side door was open and his Reef flip-flops hit the pavement, right about the moment she shut her front door. Ryker wanted to slam his fists into something, yet held back the urge. He turned and walked with determination across the street, up the sidewalk, jogging the five steps up to her porch, and knocked. No. He pounded.
When the door swung open, she uttered, “Ryke—”
That’s all he allowed her to get out, because he grabbed Molly up. Her intake of surprised breath happened when he kicked the front door shut behind them and slammed his mouth down over hers.
Their tongues tangled in fiery heat—his cock, hard and throbbing for her. His need to claim and possess riding him as he backed her up until her shoulders hit the wall. In one move, he had her arms above her head, both of her delicate wrists manacled by one of his large hands, body pressed tight against her, his knee between her legs—devouring her moans. God damn it. He owned those moans. They were his, and he wanted to swallow down every last one of them.
“Wait,” she said in a mutter into his mouth, tugging her arms, meeting the resistance of his hold.
He bit at the side of her neck, reveling in her corresponding shudder.
“Ryker. Hang on.” She tried to wiggle—the action futile. “Wait.”
Some semblance of rational thought bounced around in his mind, and he loosened his grip.
“Let my wrists go.”
“Son of a bitch,” he grumbled.
He let her go. Had he scared her?
She lowered her arms and pressed her palms on his collarbone. He put some space between them, hands going to either side of her head, knuckles on the wall, caging her in.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Molls. I think we both know what I’m doing.”
Her long lashes fluttered, before she met his gaze. “But why? You’ve been gone without a word until last night. And the last time we were—”
“I came by earlier and saw you leaving with that walking corn nut,” he said in a harsh manner.
Her brows knitted together, gray-green eyes crackling feminine pique. “What?”
He met her gaze, stare-for-stare, giving her his own scowl. When it came to the staring contest, she wasn’t, nor had ever been, a match for him. “I. Saw. You,” he said, enunciating each word. “With the guy in the BMW.”
“And your point is?”
“I didn’t like it,” he snapped.
“That’s why you’re here?”
“Yes,” he said, voice filling with venom.
“Let me get this straight,” said Molly. “This caveman routine is because you saw me with Jack and you decided you ‘didn’t like it’?”
He snarled, “Jack is his name?”

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Author Bio & Links:
London Saint James has lived in many places, but never felt “at home” until she met the real-life man of her dreams and settled down in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. London lives with her husband and their fat cat who thinks he owns them.
As an award-winning, bestselling, multi-published author, London is living her childhood dream. She knew all the scribbling she did, that big imagination of hers, and all those clamoring characters running around in her head would pay off someday.

Web || Blog || Twitter (LSJRomance)|| Facebook

(From Aug 11th  to Aug 31st )
An ebook or audiobook of Spanked by the Bad Boy (Winners Choice)
and $10.00 Amazon Gift Card

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


by Jessica E. Subject

Gay for you is a popular trope in romance today, characters having a same-sex relationship after finding the “right” person. In all of my stories in The Underground series, one or two characters decide to take a chance, and have sex with someone of the same gender. Not because they are experimenting, but because they are looking for love.

In the third book in the series, Never Gonna Say Goodbye, Will and Tim are in an already established relationship, but before each other, they’d never been with another man before. After an explosion at a mall that killed hundreds, Tim found Will at the brink of death. Being a medic, he was obligated to do his best to save him, but he never expected Will to live.

By the hands of a skilled man, and with a strong determination to survive, Will survived and went on to become leader of the rebellion. And along the way, he feel in love with the man who saved him. Now, many years later, Will is fighting again. Not to live, but for the freedom to love whoever he chooses. And that person is Tim.

Never Gonna Say Goodbye
The Underground #3
By Jessica E. Subject
Erotic Gay Sci-Fi/Dystopian Romance
ISBN: 978-1613335857

Rebels, former Planet Core employees, have banded together in The Underground. They fight against the policies of the corporation that owns the lease on their lives. They will have their freedom or they will die trying.

The rebellion is stirring…
Will Garrison leads the fight against the control of the corporation—he wants his people to have their rights to live and love back. Reunited with his lover, former Planet Core medic Tim Harris, the men disagree on how to take down the corporation.

And the desire for freedom…
Tim’s plan requires that he provide a distraction while Will leads The Underground’s forces in a lightning raid, but who can Will trust when he’s already been betrayed once?

May cost these men everything…
Timing is everything, because if either fails The Underground may be crushed under the weight of Planet Core once and for all.
Available From:
Decadent Publishing and other ebook retailers

Get the first book in the series, Never Gonna Let You Go for only 99 CENTS
at Amazon and All Romance until September 26th!!!
   “Let’s do this.” Gun aimed to shoot, Will took a deep breath and stepped inside the portal. The mass pulled his skin in every direction. His stomach churned. And then the sensations ended.
   He’d made it. Resting his hand on the closest structure, he inhaled sharply, trying to gain his bearings.
   The rest of the team gathered beside him, Brook and Melina the only two not affected by the trip.
   “Shit.” He needed to focus, regain control. He blinked hard then glanced around the transporter room. Empty. No one had come to meet them.
   “Something’s wrong,” Melina whispered, ready to fire her own weapon. “There is always at least one guard in here.”
   “I guess we got lucky.” Dale sauntered to the center of the space, raised his arms and spun in a circle. “We are all alone in here. Time to find the fucker and take him down.”
   A sudden hiss silenced him. Red light burned his clothing and left a clean, cauterized hole through his chest. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he fell to the ground.
   Will rushed in front of the others, shoving them behind the portal.
   So much for being alone. How many waited to take them down? He peeked around the structure, weapon at the ready. No one. The guards had to be hiding, waiting for him and his crew to come out.
   And come out they would, fighting all the way.

Jessica Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to erotica. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous. 
When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk. Fast. But she just may slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.
Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just Another Wedding

Part Five
A romance serial based on Alien Adoration
© by Jessica E. Subject

*explicit content*

Them? She brought multiple condoms for an overnight stay at the hotel? How many guys did she expect to have in one night? “Um, I only need one.”
Pepper yanked out a strip of foil packages, brushing them across her nipples. “I’m willing to bet otherwise.”

He groaned. Head spinning, he gripped the door frame of the bathroom. He’d hit the jackpot with this woman. Or so he hoped.

Legs spread open, she trailed her fingers along her wet pussy. “Get over here, Mr. Bank Manager. Let’s get started.”

Not caring if he ripped something, he stripped off his clothes before joining her on the bed. He expected to crawl on top of her, plunge right in. But she met him on her knees, her more-than-a-handful breasts pressed against his chest. His muscles tightened when she grabbed his balls. Yet, as she massaged him, he relaxed, save for his engorged cock.

Wrapping his arms around her, he reclaimed her soft, full lips, imagining them wrapped around his dick. With a strangled groan, he thrust toward her. Need consumed every last thought.

He grabbed her ass, pulling her tighter. His entire body shook with restrained control. She made him feel desirable for the first time in months.
Slipping from his grasp, she leaned down in front of him, her fingers surrounding his cock. She licked the tip, the movement sending him straight to heaven.

“Don’t tease me. I like that way too much.”

She took him in her mouth, sucking his swollen head, circling his shaft with her tongue. Though he tried to stop, he couldn’t fight the urge to drive into her. And she didn’t stop, simply taking him deeper with every thrust.
A heavy weight filled his body. God, no. It’s too soon.

He pulled out, the orgasm barreling through him, his seed spilling into his open hand.

“I’m sorry.” He couldn’t look at her, shame quickly taking the place of the satisfaction of release.

Something soft touched his skin. A towel. Pepper wiped his hand and his softening shaft. She stared up at him, a light smile across her lips. “No need to be sorry. Now, lie back. We’re far from finished.”

His stomach twisted. He hadn’t gone for a second or third round in years.
Settling on the bed, he stroked his shaft, praying he had at least one more in him. The rip of a foil package did the trick, making him instantly hard and ready to go again. This time, he would make sure Pepper came first.


Pinching the tip of the condom, she rolled the thin barrier over him. With the taste of his salty syrup still on her tongue, she met his lips for a chaste kiss. The foreplay in the hallway had not been enough. He left her hungry for more. An entire night of ecstasy. Even with his quick release, she yearned for her own satisfaction.

She straddled his waist, lining the tip of his cock to her folds. Taking in a little at a time, she adjusted to his thickness. Then she let go, sinking all the way on. A whimper escaped from her lips. Exactly what she’d been craving. She placed her palms on his chest, arching back. The perfect angle. He’d touched her G-spot the instant she settled on top of him. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

His cock pulsed. With a groan in response, he clutched her hips. She rocked along with him, her nerve endings lighting up with every movement. Pressure built inside her, a bomb about to detonate. She dug her fingers into his chest, losing control. With a strangled cry, she burst, shattering into a million pieces.

Bill grunted below her, not yet letting go. His motions became more frenzied, extending her orgasm. Her breaths came in short gasps. She couldn’t handle much more, her head ready to explode.

A roar echoed through the room. He bucked under her, his cock convulsing inside her sensitive walls. Her own release leapt to new heights, setting off fireworks in her mind. She collapsed onto his chest, her entire time with him filled with new experiences.

A one-night stand, the best of her life. Though she hoped for more, more stress-reducing releases, and more of Bill. A future? If he was willing.


Thank you for reading! The rest of this serial can be found throughout the Alien Adoration blog tour. All of the dates can be found on my GIVEAWAYS page.

Alien Adoration Tour Giveaway!!
Leave a comment (with your email address) on any post from the Alien Adoration tour for your chance to WIN! Every post you comment on is another entry. GRAND PRIZE – one $25 e-gift certificate! PLUS, three other winners will receive AWESOME Alien Adoration swag packages!! Winner will be notified by email on June 2, 2013.

** Contest is international. Entrants must be 18 years or older. Host blogs are not responsible for the distribution of prizes. Author is not responsible for lost or damaged swag packages once they have been sent in the mail. Good luck!